Derek’s outBOX – October 6, 2021

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  1. I will start with some exciting news. XXX has extended our repackaging contract until the end of the year.   I am already discussing the next extension, but it is great to pick up at least 3 more months.  We have now counted just under 55 million test kit components!


  1. Sterling Rope here in the Industrial Park is hosting a food drive on November 4. We usually do a food drive during our Community Support Week in October so the timing is perfect.  We will put out some boxes and create teams.   The team with the most cans in their box by November 4 will get a pizza party.   Sterling is giving out a prize for the winning team so, since we love a good competition, let’s give it a shot.


  1. Tonight at 5:00pm we are a finalist for the Community Support Award at the Maine Institute for Family Owned Business annual award ceremony. The actual awards probably start at around 6:30pm.  If you are interested in watching, it can be viewed virtually at

Tom Brady – 2040  😊