Volk Paxit
Business to Business Fulfillment, Kit Assembly, 3PL & Pack-Out Center

Why Choose Volk Paxit?

  • Are you struggling with labor challenges?
    Faced with a project you are at a loss to complete with in-house resources?
  • Are you embarking on an exciting new business venture and looking to streamline your packaging and shipping?
  • Volk Paxit will pick, pack, repackage and prepare products for display and business-to-business or direct-to-consumer shipment.
  • If you have a product you struggle to prepare or package in-house, we welcome the opportunity to discuss a creative partnership!

About Volk Paxit

Volk Paxit, a spin-off of Volk Packaging Corporation (VPC), was founded in 2021 by Derek and Amy Volk after VPC answered the call to help with the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. At that time, VPC was contracted to repackage a critical medical supply.

Seeing a need in the marketplace, the new company began partnering on other repackaging, prepackaging, kitting and fulfillment services to help businesses struggling with labor and logistics challenges. Thus, Volk Paxit was born.

A year later, Volk Paxit relocated from Biddeford to a large warehouse in Sanford, which provides ample, newly renovated space for securing, processing, and shipping valuable customer inventory. We have invested in technologies to seamlessly integrate with e-commerce platforms and have a staff of around 20 full-time workers, with the ability to bring on more when needed.

Learn More About How Volk Paxit Can Help You!

Volk Paxit has plenty of room to grow with you!

Volk Paxit has plenty of room to grow with you!

Our Promise To You

When you send your product to Volk Paxit for re-packaging, pack-out or fulfillment, we promise to take care of that product as though it is ours. You will not need to worry about it or even handle the product again if you allow us to ship it directly to its next step or final destination.

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Volk Paxit is located in Sanford, Maine. However, we have the resources and capability to service customers all across the United States and the world.

We are NOT Amazon. We are people who understand our clients and their goals. We treat our clients as the hardworking business owners and entrepreneurs they are. We also know their products and care about our client’s brand.

Yes! We have the capability to integrate into most platforms with the most common being Shopify.


"Working with Volk Paxit has been a great experience. The attention to detail is consistent as well as the willingness to provide us with the service we are looking for. The management took the time to understand our needs. The warehouse workers take the time to review and confirm. They really want the work to be high quality."
- Holly Marham, European Home
"We used to pick and pack orders all day long. After finding Volk Paxit, not only do we have more space in our office we have something much more valuable TIME. That time affords us the ability to go on more adventures and spend more time with family."
- Zachary Fowler, Fowler’s Makery and Mischief
"If we could have Paxit do all our fulfillment it would be dreamy because you guys are honestly amazing. We feel so well cared for. There has been great communication, great follow-up and zero problems. Its amazing. It has been a really great way for us to grow."
- Gab Melchionda, Mad Gabs
"It has been a partnership that has surpassed all expectations and defies the advice I was given to not outsource fulfillment. Your phenomenal team packs our boxes with care. We are nothing if we cannot deliver our books to the doorsteps, and they are opened and in good condition. It is your team that does that. They put the care into that in terms of accuracy, in terms of quality. Your team is so enjoyable and lovely and responsive and communicative."
- Alli Harper, OurShelves
"A reason we love Volk is their Paxit division. Paxit has been assisting with the manufacturing of several products, which is a major contribution to our ability to serve our customers on a timelier basis."
- Kathleen Gagnon, New England Cremation Supply
"We've been working with Volk for 8 years specifically with Mike Dembrowski & Derek Volk. The customer service level by both our salesperson, Mike and Derek, the owner always exceeds our expectation. The Volk's have built and maintain a model company that puts their customer's needs above all else. 52 is proud to call them a partner in packaging and fulfillment services. "
- Dan Gonyea

Contact Volk Packaging Corporation

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