Derek’s outBOX – November 15, 2021

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  1. As I am guessing you may have already heard; the Biden vaccine mandate has been stayed twice now by the courts. We will take no further action implementing their mandate until we see how it plays out.
  2. There is a veteran in Bangor who is 102 and celebrating his birthday this week. The Bangor Veterans Home is encouraging people to send cards. We have a bunch of cards in Kara‘s office. If you would like to send this veteran a birthday card, just ask her for a card, sign your name, and will take care of the rest. It is amazing to have a World War II veteran at 102, so it will be a nice thing to do to participate in his celebration. Amy’s uncle Lester Delano, who is on the Heroes Wall, will be turning 102 in January. Let’s plan to shower him with cards and well wishes, as well.
  3. We held our Veterans Day lunch on Thursday at noon in our conference room. Anyone who served in the five branches of the United States military was welcome to join us. Invitations were handed out to all the veterans that we are aware of. If you are a veteran and did not get an invitation, please let me know. We want to be sure you are included in this fellowship next year.
Volk Packaging veterans are invited to a special Veterans Day fellowship luncheon annually.

Volk Packaging veterans are invited to a special Veterans Day fellowship luncheon annually

4. I received a nice email from a customer that I wanted to share with all of you since it pertains to you more than it pertains to me:

Just a quick note to let you know what an amazing team you have! Pretty sure you already know that. We can certainly relate to bigger lead times and increases because we are experiencing the same. Communication is the key in these trying times and your team has been great! Thanks again for all you do for us.

These are crazy and stressful times, but I wanted you to know there are still customers out there who really appreciate the work you are doing, as do I.

  1. Samantha has asked me to let you know that we are starting a toy drive. It will run until the end of the month. Our company wide goal is 125 toys, basically one per person. The toys do not have to be large or expensive. They simply need to be for anyone 18 or under and unwrapped. We will have a pizza party if we achieve 125 toys for the company wide. There are donation boxes in the break room and in the office, or you can bring them directly to Samantha. The next time you’re in a store of just about any kind, even a gas station, see if there is a toy you can pick up for a needy child or teen this Christmas. Let the Christmas season begin!

Pura Vida.

Derek Volk