Derek’s outBOX – July 13, 2021

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  1. I want to remind everyone that we are having a cookout at lunch on Thursday. This cookout is courtesy of the Sales Team to thank you all for your hard work.  We will also be holding the Cornhole Championship during lunch.  We will do something for 2nd and 3rd shifts as well. 


  1. The rooftop solar panel project that we have been working on is not going to happen. We are disappointed, but there was just too much risk involved.


  1. Some people in Biddeford are hosting a “Millennial Summit.” It is being held on July 23 at 5:30pm.  I am not sure what will happen, but this is the description:


The New England Millennial Summit was designed and planned in an effort to help every millennial in New England reach the summit of their potential. This event will connect you with life coaches who can mentor you through the challenge of millennial living. Everyone in New England is invited to this Summit, where you will find help for every area of your life. Make new friends, learn how to succeed at any task, figure out your primary life purpose, and gain useful insight to the struggles you face on a daily basis. Reserve your seat for the New England Millennial Summit by going to


According to Google a millennial is anyone born between 1981 and 1996.  There will be flyers at the door and attached to my outBOX email.


  1. We had a 55% return rate for the Best Places to Work surveys. I was hoping for more, as I really do want your feedback, especially if you think this is not one of the best places to work.  However, I am glad we had enough to qualify for the competition.  Thank you to all of you who completed the survey.


  1. The next Sea Dogs home stand starts July 20. There is another one shortly afterwards, so we have a lot of Sea Dogs tickets for July.  If anyone wants tickets, please let me know.  They are four seats just above the visitor dugout, really close to the field.


  1. The skydiving on Sunday was amazing. The weather held up most of the day.   We had a lot of first-time skydivers including Joe Boucher, Jorge Agosto, Chloe Melton, Tracy Sund, Renee LeBlond, Dawson Desrosiers, and Kara Beal, as well as 3 customers.  We will do it again later in the summer if anyone would like to go. 


Check out a couple of the videos:

         You can see Tracy leave the plane before Chloe Melton.

         And you can see Renee go just before Tracy jumps.

          Joe Boucher’s jump

  1. Lastly, next Tuesday I will be teaching the VP University class called “Intro to VPC.” We will have a sign-up sheet or let your supervisor know you would like to attend.  Attendance is encouraged, but not mandatory.   For those who are new, VP University is a series of classes and YouTube videos that teach you all about Volk Packaging and the box business.   There are cash prizes for completing the various degrees.  If you would like to take some classes please see Kara Beal, tell your supervisor, or let me know.    The entire program, except for the live classes, is available on a flash drive.